These interesting things can be seen only in Israel

18 May 2023

Israel is a fascinating and extraordinary country. You can see many interesting things here, from unusual road signs to cultural and traditional peculiarities. This country impresses with its contrasts and unique facts. We have gathered the most interesting ones for you in this article.

1. Kosher glue for stamps

You won't find any other country that uses kosher glue for its stamps, except for Israel. In general, kosher certification is always associated with this country, but having kosher glue for stamps is indeed an interesting fact. The use of kosher glue for stamps in Israel is a testament to the country's deep-rooted commitment to religious and cultural practices. Kosher certification ensures that products meet the dietary requirements and standards set forth in Jewish law, and it extends beyond just food items.

Kosher glue for stamps.jpg?format=webp@Stamps of Israel over £50 Jackpot!!!/Christopher Colle/

2. In contrast

Women in Israel dress in a highly contrasting manner. Some prefer modern clothing, choosing stylish trendy items and creating elegant looks, while others opt for very modest attire, often wearing headscarves and covered clothing that doesn't draw attention. Despite the contrasting styles, there is mutual respect and acceptance among women in Israel for their diverse choices. Fashion becomes a means of self-expression, allowing each individual to showcase their personality, beliefs, and cultural background. 

In contrast.jpg?format=webp@5 Facts About Women In Israel/IsraelinNewZealand/

3. Free libraries at the bus stop

In Israel, you can make good use of your time while waiting for the bus at the bus stops. There are free libraries available at these stops, offering a diverse range of literature. These free libraries at bus stops in Israel provide a wonderful opportunity to enrich your mind and delve into the world of literature while you wait for your bus. Whether you're a bookworm looking for your next read or simply seeking a moment of relaxation, these libraries offer a diverse collection of books for all ages and interests.

Free libraries at the bus stop.jpg?format=webp@Giving Back - Free Books at Bus Stops/Angus & Robertson/

4. Love to dancing 

Jews are inherently free-spirited people. Freedom holds great significance for them, and they deeply cherish it. Perhaps dancing is their expression of freedom because Jews love dancing so much that they can spontaneously start dancing in the middle of the street while walking home. Within minutes, several passersby join them, and soon enough, a lively dance unfolds. In my opinion, it's a wonderful example to emulate, symbolizing the freedom of spirit and the lightness of being.

Love to dancing .jpg?format=webp@7 Weird Things You’ll see in Israel | Yohanna Tal/Yohanna Tal/

5. Letters to God department

The Israel Postal Service has a unique department called "Letters to God," dedicated to handling the letters that arrive in Jerusalem from all over the world addressed to God. These letters are carefully opened and placed into the crevices of the Western Wall. The "Letters to God" department of the Israel Postal Service plays a significant role in facilitating a special connection between people and their faith. It is a dedicated department that deals with the letters addressed to God that arrive in Jerusalem from various corners of the globe. These heartfelt letters, expressing hopes, prayers, and personal reflections, are treated with the utmost respect and reverence.

Letters to God department.jpg?format=webp@Israel Postal Company places letters to God in #Kotel #WesternWall/Casa de Judá | House of Yehuda/

6. Creative Stop road sign 

The choice of Israelis to use a hand-shaped "Stop" sign instead of the conventional worldwide sign was not arbitrary. The reason behind it lies in the fact that if you read the word "stop" spelled backward in Latin letters, it becomes an indecent word in Hebrew. This leads to the question of why not write the word in Hebrew instead. However, due to not everyone in Israel being familiar with the language, they opted for an optimal solution by depicting a hand on the road sign. This creative solution serves as a clear visual cue that signifies the need to halt or pause, regardless of language barriers or linguistic differences.

Creative Stop road sign .jpg?format=webp@ROAD SIGNS, ROADS AND VEHICLES IN ISRAEL 2020/Vasil Stoyanov/

7. Kosher McDonald's

Kosher McDonald's, you read it correctly. Indeed, in some cities in Israel, you can find McDonald's restaurants with kosher certification. This means that they meet the dietary requirements set by Jewish religious laws. Only products that have undergone special kosher certification and are prepared according to kosher standards are used in such establishments. This allows Jewish visitors to enjoy McDonald's meals while adhering to their religious dietary restrictions.

Kosher McDonald's.jpg?format=webp@European Tourist Tries Kosher and Non Kosher McDonalds in Israel/Janos Gal/

8. Peanut snacks

Peanut snacks are highly popular among Israelis. Doctors even recommend giving them to children as young as 6 months. It is said that, as a result, peanut allergies are almost non-existent among Jewish children. This early introduction of peanuts is believed to protect against peanut allergies among Jewish children. Studies have shown that early and regular exposure to peanuts can help reduce the risk of developing allergies later in life. By gradually introducing peanuts at a young age, the immune system becomes more tolerant, and the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction decreases significantly.

Peanut snacks.jpg?format=webp@British People Trying Israel Chips & Snacks - This With Them/This With Them/

9. Tel Aviv Azrieli Towers

Tel Aviv Towers, also known as Tel Aviv Azrieli Towers, is an iconic landmark in the city of Tel Aviv, Israel. These skyscrapers dominate the city skyline and are among the tallest buildings in the country. Designed by architect Eli Attia, the towers are a symbol of modern architecture and urban development. The complex consists of three main towers: Azrieli Circular Tower, Azrieli Triangular Tower, and Azrieli Square Tower. Each tower has its unique design and characteristics, contributing to the overall architectural appeal of the complex. The Circular Tower, with its distinctive rounded shape, stands out as the tallest of the three, reaching a height of 187 meters (614 feet).

Tel Aviv Azrieli Towers (1).jpg?format=webp@AZRIELI TOWERS, TEL AVIV | ISR 4K/ОБЫЧНЫЙ ВТОРНИК/

10. Unusual ice cream 

In Israel, you can find a truly unique ice cream flavor - hummus. Yes, you read that right! There is an ice cream shop located in Jaffa that offers hummus-flavored ice cream. It might sound surprising, but this unconventional flavor has gained popularity among locals and tourists alike. The creamy texture of the ice cream combines with the distinct savory taste of hummus, creating a truly one-of-a-kind experience for adventurous food enthusiasts. Whether you're a fan of hummus or simply curious to try something new, this unusual ice cream flavor is definitely worth a taste when visiting Jaffa.

Unusual ice cream .jpg?format=webp@15 Things You Didn't Know About ISRAEL/

11. The largest magic lesson

In Israel in 2015, the largest magic lesson was recorded and entered the Guinness World Record. It took place at the Congress Center in Haifa and was conducted by the master magician Cagliostro. The magical lesson was attended by 1,600 students from Haifa. The card trick called "Magic of Haifa for Peace" was simultaneously performed by 25 schools in the International Convention Center. Among the participants were Jews, Christians, and Muslims. The massive audience witnessed the collision of magical worlds, where ordinary objects acquired unpredictable properties and the impossible became a reality.

The largest magic lesson.jpg?format=webp@Guinness World Record set in Israel for largest ever magic lesson - Daily Mail/Daily Mail/

12. Albert Einstein had the potential to become the President of Israel

This proposal was voiced to him by the then Prime Minister of the country, David Ben-Gurion, in 1952. Einstein was pleasantly surprised by such an interesting and tempting offer, but he took a pause to consider it carefully. After some time, he returned with his answer and, after weighing all the pros and cons, ultimately declined the position. According to his words, he had no political experience and did not have a strong grasp of these matters.

Albert Einstein had the potential to become the President of Israel.jpg?format=webp@Albert Einstein President of Israel?/Teacher Eddie Hi/

13. Jellyfish repellent 

In Israel, there are many dangerous jellyfish swimming in the sea. Their stings are often fatal, so there was an urgent need to combat them. Israel became the first country in the world to invent a jellyfish repellent that keeps them away. It employs a combination of natural ingredients and carefully formulated compounds that act as a deterrent to the jellyfish, deterring them from venturing too close to shore. This innovative solution has proven to be highly effective in reducing the number of jellyfish encounters and minimizing the risks associated with their stings.

Jellyfish repellent .jpg?format=webp@7 fun facts about JELLYFISH in ISRAEL/BORIS IN ISRAEL/

14. The Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is renowned for its elevated salinity levels. It is a body of water where swimming is impossible and one can only float on its surface. It lacks fish and plants due to its incredibly high salt content. However, an intriguing prophecy mentioned in the Bible states that a time will come when the Dead Sea will become fresh. Recent scientific research has discovered pockets of freshwater on the seabed. Could it be that the prophecy is beginning to come true?

The Dead Sea.jpg?format=webp@Exploring the DEAD SEA AND MASADA | Self Guided Tour in Israel/Jordan & Soph/

15. Camel in parking

In Israel, even camels adhere to rules and exhibit politeness. For instance, this delightful camel is peacefully resting, having taken a spot in a parking lot next to cars. In this fascinating encounter, the camel's presence adds a touch of whimsy to the urban landscape, capturing the essence of Israel's rich culture.

Camel in parking.jpg?format=webp@CAMEL IN PARKING/mahmoud abdelfatah/

16. Record’s strawberry 

The heaviest strawberry in the world: an Israeli berry—made it into the Guinness World Record. With a weight of 290 grams, it is a challenge to hold it in the palm of your hand. It is noted that the record-breaking strawberry was grown by a family of farmers who have their own plantation. The size of the berry astonished the owners so much that they suspected they were holding the heaviest strawberry in the world. And they were right. The previous record belonged to Japan, where a strawberry weighed 250 grams. 

Record’s strawberry .jpg?format=webp@Massive Israeli strawberry breaks Guinness World Record/i24NEWS English/

17. Children and weapons in Israel

Certainly, young children in Israel do not walk around with real weapons; they might have toy guns at most. However, it is not uncommon for them to be introduced to firearms under adult supervision at a young age. They may have the opportunity to handle them, observe how they work, and learn about their responsible use. These experiences become deeply ingrained from early childhood and demonstrate a readiness to protect their family, and country, and take responsibility. It speaks to the strength of will and spirit within Israeli society.

Children and weapons in Israel.jpg?format=webp@20 Craziest Photos Taken in Israel/American Eye/

18. Spider-Man and the Western Wall

The Western Wall in Jerusalem is perhaps one of the most popular places. You can meet all kinds of people there, even Spider-Man, who may also seek solace and make his requests to God. Even superheroes sometimes face challenges they cannot overcome alone and require support in the difficult journey of life. But one can always find solace, especially when seeking it in such a magnificent city as Jerusalem and at the Western Wall.

Spider-Man and the Western Wall.jpg?format=webp@patentpunk/ 

19. Little Santa’s 

Family takes first place in the lives of Jewish people. Neither money nor a career can replace that position because everything is done for the sake of their loved ones. Israelis, in particular, adore their children. They spoil them, buy them gifts, and allow them to misbehave. The main goal is to see the happy smiles of the little ones. And it's not surprising, as children are the continuation of the family legacy. In this photo, the children are dressed as Santa Claus, and all of them look incredibly cute and whimsical.

Little Santa’s .jpg?format=webp@20 Craziest Photos Taken in Israel/American Eye/ 

20. Pedestrian crossing sign

Many road signs in Israel have a distinctly Jewish character. For example, this pedestrian crossing sign depicts a Jewish family holding hands while crossing the road. Perhaps it serves as an example to be followed by Israelis, emphasizing the importance of unity and togetherness. While it is not known for certain if this was the intention behind the design, it certainly looks adorable and unique. It immediately conveys a sense of being in Israel and highlights the cultural values of the country.

Pedestrian crossing sign.jpg?format=webp@20 Craziest Photos Taken in Israel/American Eye/ 

21. Minute of silence

Jews hold their traditions, national holidays, and commemorative events in high regard and with great respect. Customs are never ignored. For example, on Holocaust Memorial Day, a minute of silence is observed annually, and it is not merely symbolic but a profound and mandatory practice for everyone. During this minute, all work comes to a halt, tasks are postponed, and even traffic on the roads comes to a stop as people step out of their vehicles to pay their respects to the victims. It is a solemn and collective moment of remembrance.

Minute of silence.jpg?format=webp@Israel Pauses on Holocaust Memorial Day/ABC News/

22. Passover table with matzah and Haggadah booklets

In Israel, visiting an IKEA showroom offers a special experience unlike anywhere else. Among the various displays, one can come across a remarkable sight—a fully set Passover table, complete with matzah and Haggadah booklets. This inclusion reflects the cultural significance of Passover in Israel and the country's embrace of its diverse traditions. It showcases the country's commitment to catering to the needs and customs of its population, even within the context of a furniture store.

Passover table with matzah and Haggadah booklets.jpg?format=webp@IKEA/Furniture store in NETANYA,ISRAEL/israelTVchannel/

23. Girls and military service

Women in Israel serve in the military, and it is highly prestigious. Their military service duration is one year shorter than that of men, lasting for two years. However, a woman can choose to exempt herself from military service in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) due to ethical or religious reasons. Nevertheless, if she decides to serve, she receives various privileges. For instance, she is eligible for a discount on education at a state university. It's worth noting that even during their military service, women do not lose their femininity and continue to actively take care of themselves during their free time. They prioritize self-care and maintain their personal interests and hobbies alongside their military duties. 

Girls and military service.jpg?format=webp@20 Craziest Photos Taken in Israel/American Eyve/

24. Gay beach vs religious beach

Israel is a country of vivid contrasts. It is home to one of the largest LGBTQ communities in the world. There is a sizable pride beach where you can meet representatives of the non-traditional orientation. But that's not all: the gay beach is located right next to a religious beach. This is a very interesting nuance because both groups have to coexist in close proximity. Despite their proximity, people manage to peacefully coexist and find a way to live together.

Gay beach vs religious beach.jpg?format=webp@TEL AVIV PRIDE BEACH 2021 🏖 Official Video/Idan Matalon/

25. Reminding passengers

In Israel, there is a sign on public transport that directly quotes the Bible, reminding passengers to give up their seats for the elderly. This unique practice in Israel demonstrates the integration of biblical values into everyday life. The sign serves as a gentle reminder for passengers to show respect and consideration towards the elderly, emphasizing the importance of honoring and caring for the older generation. It reflects the cultural and moral fabric of Israeli society, where biblical principles hold significant influence and guide social interactions.

Reminding passengers.jpg?format=webp@About Public Transportation in Israel/Israel Tours with David Ha'ivri/

26. The roads are completely free of traffic

In Israel, there is a special day called Yom Kippur when the roads are completely free of traffic. People take advantage of this opportunity, especially children, who can ride their bicycles along the empty highways. It's a time when the roads become their playground, where they can experience the thrill of riding without the usual concerns for safety and traffic regulations. Parents seize the opportunity to spend quality time with their children, cycling together and exploring the open spaces. It's a cherished tradition for many families, as they relish the chance to connect, bond, and create lasting memories against the backdrop of the quiet and deserted roads.

The roads are completely free of traffic.jpg?format=webp@TIMELAPSE Yom Kippur 2022: cycling on the highway in Tel Aviv - October 5, 2022 09:29/Thomas Schlijper/

27. Counting the Omer to Shavuot

In Israel, it is a unique tradition for national newspapers to feature a countdown of the Omer, the period between Passover and Shavuot, alongside the daily weather forecast. This special inclusion reflects the significance of the Omer in Jewish religious observance and highlights the cultural and religious diversity of the country. The Omer is a period of 49 days, marking the time between the Exodus from Egypt (celebrated during Passover) and the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai (celebrated during Shavuot). It holds great spiritual and historical importance in the Jewish calendar. During this time, individuals engage in self-reflection, personal growth, and preparation for the receiving of the Torah.

Counting the Omer to Shavuot.jpg?format=webp@Counting the Omer - Introduction to Sefirat Ha'Omer series - Rabbi Alon Anava/Rabbi Alon Anava/ 

28. Remarkable underground ritual bath

Sometimes, in Israel, fascinating discoveries can be made. For instance, during home renovations, certain homeowners uncovered a remarkable underground ritual bath that dates back approximately 2000 years. Such findings are significant treasures and hold great historical value. Uncovering a well-preserved ritual bath from two millennia ago is like stepping back in time and unraveling the secrets of the past. It serves as a reminder of the enduring presence of ancient civilizations and the layers of history that lie beneath the surface.

Remarkable underground ritual bath.jpg?format=webp@Jerusalem family found 2000 year old ritual bath in their living room/i24NEWS English/

29. Socks’ mosaic 

During the month of July 2012, a group of talented artists in the city of Netanya embarked on an extraordinary artistic endeavor. Their goal was to create a monumental mosaic, unlike anything the world had ever seen. But what made this project truly unique was the medium they chose to work with: socks. With boundless creativity and meticulous attention to detail, these artists meticulously arranged 12,000 socks to form an astonishing mosaic. Each sock, carefully selected for its color and texture, played a vital role in the creation of this masterpiece.

Socks’ mosaic .jpg?format=webp@For the love of Jerusalem, Israel! 10 Guinness World Records/Kingdom of Jerusalem HalleluYah Global Foundation/

30. Holy air

In Israel, it is not uncommon to come across an intriguing item in tourist shops: tins of "holy air." These unique souvenirs have gained popularity among visitors to the country and hold symbolic significance for many. The tins typically feature a decorative design and are labeled as containing "holy air" or "air from Jerusalem." The notion is that the air inside these tins has been gathered from sacred places such as Jerusalem, Bethlehem, or other significant sites throughout Israel. It is believed by some that possessing this "holy air" can bring blessings, protection, and a spiritual connection to the land.

Holy air.jpg?format=webp@Holy Air Trailer #1 (2017) | Movieclips Indie/Rotten Tomatoes Indie/

31. Be attentive, cats!

In Israel, animals are greatly loved and respected. Cats can often be found on the streets of Israeli cities. Therefore, it's not surprising that a special road sign has been created, specifically for drivers to be cautious when on the road. The sign emphasizes that there are many cats living in the area, and they may cross the road at any moment. Due to this, the road authorities urge drivers to be attentive and avoid accidentally harming the cats.

Be attentive, cats.jpg?format=webp@ROAD SIGNS, ROADS AND VEHICLES IN ISRAEL 2020/Vasil Stoyanov/

32. Holiday’s cat

This cat is definitely honored in the household, as it has its own Jewish attire for holidays, thus joining in the celebration. It has its own Jewish head covering called a kippah and a scarf with the Jewish hexagram symbol. It's immediately evident where this cat comes from and which traditions it respects. Although you can't tell from its face, it's not thrilled about being dressed up, despite that, its attire suits it well.

Holiday’s cat.jpg?format=webp@Holy Cats! Jerusalem's Strays and Their Unsung Guardian | National Geographic/National Geographic/

33. Jews are the most loving fathers

Jews are known as some of the most loving fathers in the world. They show great love and enthusiasm while spending time with their children. Fathers actively play with them, engage in creative activities, dance, and cherish the moments they share together. It's no wonder that family and family values are paramount for Israelis. They devote significant attention to the upbringing and well-being of their children, creating a secure and nurturing environment for their growth and happiness.

Jews are the most loving fathers.jpg?format=webp@INSIDE THE HOME OF AN ORTHODOX JEWISH FAMILY - HANGING WITH HASIDICS II: WELCOME TO THE FAMILY/Marcus Hessenberg Documentaries /

34. Taxi-police 

At first glance, nothing seems unusual - it's just a local taxi. But upon closer inspection, it sparks surprise and raises numerous questions: Police taxi?! Is it a voluntary service provided by the police, or do they pay police officers so little that they have to take up this unusual job on the side? Or perhaps the police offer taxi services to special individuals who require accompaniment and protection. It remains unknown, but it definitely looks ambiguous and unconventional.

Taxi-police .jpg?format=webp@EXPOSED: NYPD disguises cop car as a taxi/ageofvor9334/

35. Going to work with Mom

This little baby doesn't even walk yet and can't eat on their own, so they can't go anywhere without their mom. However, their mom has a crucial job—protecting the country. This brave woman not only stands guard for the nation but also fulfills her motherly duties. So, when necessary, she takes the baby with her to work. It looks incredibly adorable and unusual at the same time. Not every mother would dare take her baby to work, especially if it's a military job.

Going to work with Mom.jpg?format=webp@20 Craziest Photos Taken in Israel/American Eye/

36. Other meat

In Israel, there is a unique practice when it comes to the sale of pork. Although pork is generally not consumed by those who adhere to kosher dietary laws, it is available for sale in certain establishments. However, due to the cultural and religious sensitivities surrounding the consumption of pork, it is euphemistically labeled as "other meat" or "white meat." This labeling practice allows those who do consume pork to purchase it without drawing unnecessary attention or causing discomfort to those who abstain from eating it for religious or cultural reasons.

Other meat.jpg?format=webp@Israeli Supermarket🇮🇱 (Buying some grocery!) | Yohanna Tal/Yohanna Tal/

37. Jewish grandmother

The role of the grandmother in a Jewish family goes beyond being a respected figure; she plays a pivotal role in preserving and passing on the family's traditions, values, and cultural heritage. Her wisdom and life experiences are cherished, and she often serves as a source of guidance and support for the entire family. Grandmothers in Jewish families are known for their warmth, unconditional love, and nurturing nature. They create a sense of belonging and foster strong family bonds. Their presence at family gatherings and celebrations bring a sense of continuity and connection to the past, reminding everyone of their roots and shared history.

Jewish grandmother.jpg?format=webp@What It's Like To Have a Jewish Grandma | Smile Squad Comedy/Smile Squad Comedy/

38. Orthodox Jewish Barbie

Orthodox Jewish Barbie is a unique and notable phenomenon that has caught the attention of many. This particular Barbie doll is designed to adhere to the modesty guidelines and religious practices followed by Orthodox Jewish women during prayer. It reflects the values and traditions of this community, offering a toy option that aligns with their religious observance. This special Barbie serves as a tool for teaching young children about their religious customs and encouraging them to engage in prayerful activities. It allows them to create imaginative scenarios that reflect their own religious practices and foster a sense of identity and connection to their faith.

Orthodox Jewish Barbie.jpg?format=webp@sabata00/

39. The shoelaces are tied in the shape of a hexagonal star

Israelis are true fans of their culture and country. They even have the skill to expertly tie their shoelaces on their sneakers in the shape of a hexagonal star, which is the symbol of Israel. This is a very unusual way to stand out and emphasize their cultural belonging. In addition, it looks aesthetically pleasing and ensures that the shoelaces stay tied, so they don't come undone. Israeli have something to teach and inspire others with.

The shoelaces are tied in the shape of a hexagonal star.jpg?format=webp@aryaveer_12/

40. Camel Road sign

These road signs serve as a reminder of the unique coexistence between humans and camels in Israel. The presence of camels on the roads adds a touch of exoticism to the daily commute. As drivers navigate through the bustling streets, they must remain vigilant and exercise caution to ensure the safety of both themselves and the camels. Camels have long been an integral part of the region's history and culture. They are not only used for transportation but also for various activities such as tourism, agriculture, and traditional Bedouin practices.

Camel Road sign.jpg?format=webp@ROAD SIGNS, ROADS AND VEHICLES IN ISRAEL 2020/Vasil Stoyanov/

41. Tzedakah

Jewish families also place a significant emphasis on social responsibility and acts of kindness. Tzedakah, the Jewish tradition of giving to those in need, is an integral part of family life. Parents teach their children the importance of helping others, engaging in charitable activities, and participating in community service. This commitment to social justice and making a positive impact on the world is a fundamental value in Jewish families.

Tzedakah.jpg?format=webp@What Is Tzedaka?/ 

42. Anti-Gravity Room

Israel is the country with the largest number of museums, with over 200 of them. Each museum exhibition is unique. One of the most interesting museums is the Museum of Illusions, which features a fascinating exhibition located in an anti-gravity room. It is intriguing because here you can not only see but also experience the effects of gravity firsthand. Prepare for an extraordinary experience at the Museum of Illusions in Israel, where you'll encounter much more than meets the eye. Immerse yourself in the Anti-Gravity Room, where you'll defy gravity and float effortlessly. In the Rotated Room, challenge your perception as you stroll on walls and ceilings. It is really great. 

Anti-Gravity Room.jpg?format=webp@An anti-gravity room at TDF MagnifiScience Center/Like Eshaal/

43. Sabbath

At the core of Jewish family life is the observance of religious practices and traditions. Jewish families mark the weekly Sabbath, a day of rest and spiritual reflection, by coming together for a festive meal and participating in synagogue services. This sacred time is an opportunity for families to disconnect from the demands of daily life and focus on spiritual connection and quality time with loved ones. 

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44. Dream Doctors

Israel is known for its innovative and compassionate approach to healthcare, and one unique initiative that has gained significant recognition is the "Clown Doctors" program. These clown doctors, also known as "Dream Doctors," are trained professionals who use humor and laughter as therapeutic tools to bring joy and relief to patients, especially children, in hospitals across the country. The idea behind the Clown Doctors program is to create a positive and uplifting environment for patients, reducing stress and anxiety during their medical journey.  

Dream Doctors.jpg?format=webp@Israel Pioneers Clown Doctors/Natasha Kirtchuk/

45. Embarrassing Moment

This is a very humorous warning sign. Most likely, there have been incidents described in this image where a person thought they were unseen and relieved themselves. However, surveillance cameras installed by vigilant property owners captured this act and now serve as a warning to refrain from such behavior. As it is well known, there are sufficient and free public toilets available on the streets of Israel, yet for some reason, not everyone has the desire to use them and instead resorts to these unacceptable methods of solving their natural needs.

Embarrassing Moment.jpg?format=webp@ROAD SIGNS, ROADS AND VEHICLES IN ISRAEL 2020/Vasil Stoyanov/

46. Education for Jewish families

Education and the pursuit of knowledge are highly valued in Jewish families. The emphasis on learning, both secular and religious, is deeply ingrained in Jewish culture. Children receive a comprehensive education that includes Hebrew studies, Jewish history, and religious teachings. Parents actively engage in their children's educational journey, fostering a love for learning and a strong connection to Jewish values and identity. Now 58% of all students and 60% of all MA students in Israel are female.  

Education for Jewish families.jpg?format=webp@5 Facts About Women In Israel/IsraelinNewZealand/

47. Beaches in Israel 

Israel is home to many beautiful beaches where one can enjoy relaxation and swimming in the sea, Israelis do not frequently visit them compared to tourists. There are several reasons that can explain this phenomenon. Firstly, for many Israelis, beaches are a part of their daily lives, especially for those living near the coastline. Therefore, some Israelis may perceive beaches as something ordinary and readily accessible at any time. They may choose to visit beaches less frequently, focusing instead on work, family commitments, or other interests. Secondly, some residents of Israel avoid beaches during certain periods, especially during the hot summer temperatures.

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48. Snakes Spa 

In northern Israel, there is an extraordinary spa facility for those who seek exotic experiences and are not afraid of snakes. The spa offers a range of snake-related treatments and therapies that are believed to have rejuvenating and healing properties. Skilled professionals handle the snakes with care and expertise, ensuring the safety and comfort of the guests throughout their unique. For the more adventurous, there are specialized treatments involving direct contact with the snakes. These encounters are carefully supervised and guided by experienced handlers who provide an educational and captivating experience.

Snakes Spa .jpg?format=webp@Snake Massage Spa in Israel - Meeku Telusa/Meeku Telusa Facts/ 

49. Medicine Man

When wandering through Israel's vibrant markets, you're likely to come across a captivating figure who stands out among the crowd. Meet Uzi-Eli, a remarkable individual found at Jerusalem's renowned Machane Yehuda market, also known as the Medicine Man or the Etrog Man. Uzi offers an array of fresh and invigorating beverages, including his famous creation, etrogat – a delightful blend of etrog fruit and gat leaf. But Uzi's charm and uniqueness don't stop at his delicious shakes. Should the opportunity arise, he may surprise you with a spritz of one of his rejuvenating skin concoctions, leaving your face feeling refreshed and invigorated.

Medicine Man.jpg?format=webp@Machne Yehudah Market Jerusalem FIFTY-FIVE of SEVENTY: Uzieli - The Medicine man/Joseph Waks/

50. Bomb shelters

In Israel, the presence of bomb shelters in residential areas is a significant aspect of daily life due to the country's unique security challenges. The need for bomb shelters stems from the ongoing conflicts and occasional security threats that Israel faces. Bomb shelters, also known as safe rooms, are constructed in most homes, apartment buildings, and public facilities throughout the country. These shelters serve as a place of refuge and protection during times of conflict or emergency situations, such as missile attacks or air raids.

Bomb shelters.jpg?format=webp@A Bomb Shelter In a Home? Yes, in Israel! | Sir Willow's Park Tales/SirWillow/
